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x VAX_DANGER (2022-07-26) SPECIAL:
Australian gynecologist Dr. Luke McLinden fired before releasing data showing miscarriage rate of (50% - 74%) in women post-vaccination. [killJAB] Developing
Story: Australian gynecologist Dr. Luke McLinden has been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, found that (50% - 74%) of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages

Super Spreader Jul 26 UPDATE: (2022-07-27 @19:00 EST) I reached out to Dr. McLinden and received a response from a colleague. I have forwarded your email. It’s important the data gets published, at least as preprint or will be discredited before it sees the light of day.

The miscarriage rate was 50% for all comers, the 74% concerned close vaccination around time of conception I asked if it was ok to post the response and was told it’s ok, with a bit more: You can say that amongst high risk pregnancy after vaccines started 19 of 38 had a miscarriage (50%) vs around 14% pre vaccine (40 people from memory).

There appears to be a relationship with the proximity of vaccination to conception that may elevate the risk further to around 74% but this data is preliminary and is in process of being published. So, this is certainly bad, 50% compared to 14%, but, good news, not as bad as 74% for EVERY jabbed pregnancy.

Relationship of jab proximity to conception is certainly interesting. I wonder if the jab status and proximity to conception of the father is also considered in his data?

PDF Study "The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents - the vaccines did not reduce serious illness (as claimed by manufacturers) enough to reduce any risk of death. In the 17 countries of the present study, there is no evidence" >>> SEE STUDY from September 2023 PDF Study COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere Denis G. Rancourt,1, * PhD ; Marine Baudin,2 PhD ; Joseph Hickey,1 PhD ; JÊrÊmie Mercier,2 PhD 1 Correlation Research in the Public Interest ( 2 SantÊ LibertÊ Oø (

Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it , for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.

Covinfo Data Dump:-

The current Covid19 vaccines have several problems. I would say that there are 9 main areas of interest: the spike protein appears to be cytotoxic.

the emergence of immune escape variants.

the potential for antibody dependent enhancement.

the potential for autoimmune disorders.

the narrow design focus of the vaccines.

the fact that alternative treatments are available to both prevent and treat covid.

they are trying to jab everyone, even people who have recovered from covid and do not need the jab.

there are a growing number of severe reactions to the vaccines but this fact gets very little coverage in the press and sometimes it even gets outright censorship.

the potential for long term unknown side effects and the potential impact of this on national security.

Do not ignore it.

Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine

Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine
Nabin K. Shrestha,1 Patrick C. Burke,2 Amy S. Nowacki,3 James F. Simon,4 Amanda Hagen,5 Steven M. Gordon1 1 Departments of Infectious Diseases, 2 Infection Prevention, 3 Quantitative Health Sciences, 4 Enterprise Business Intelligence, and 5 Occupational Health, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; effectiveness; vaccines; bivalent vaccine; Running Title: COVID-19 bivalent vaccine effectiveness

RESULTS: Among 51011 employees, 20689 (41%) had had a previous documented episode of COVID-19, and 42064 (83%) had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 occurred in 2452 (5%) during the study. Risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received. In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, .70; 95% C.I., .61-.80), leading to an estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 30% (95% CI, 20-39%). Compared to last exposure to SARS-CoV-2 within 90 days, last exposure 6-9 months previously was associated with twice the risk of COVID-19, and last exposure 9-12 months previously with 3.5 times the risk.

IN THEIR QUEST TO PREVENT another SARS-like outbreak, Chinese and Western scientists pursued new viruses from bat caves in Southern China. Their efforts would lead them to a mine in Mojiang, China, where six miners had fallen ill with COVID-like symptoms.
It was here that Shi Zheng-li of the Wuhan Institute of Virology found the closest known relative to COVID-19. This virus, along with thousands of other virus samples, would be brought back to several labs in Wuhan. The Chinese labs were partially funded by Western organizations including Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. When the COVID-19 pandemic erupted in Wuhan,efforts to promote a natural origins theory while dispelling any discussion of a potential lab leak were spearheaded by Fauci and involved a number of leading Western scientists.

Infographic: COVID-19 Outbreak & Cover-up | Download The Infographic 8 MB JPG

Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens and Mask Exhaustion Syndrome
The featured study looked only at the raw numbers from Kansas and did not delve into what may have been behind the increasing severity of disease and death in the people who wore masks. For example, when researchers from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, analyzed the microbial community on surgical and cotton face masks from 13 healthy volunteers after being worn for four hours, bacteria including Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Acinetobacter were found — 43% of which were antibiotic-resistant. Researchers from Germany similarly questioned whether a mask that covers your nose and mouth is “free from undesirable side effects” and potential hazards in everyday use. It turned out they were not and instead posed significant adverse effects and pathophysiological changes, including the following, which often occur in combination.

References" The Daily Skeptic, May 2, 2022 Cureus, 2022;14(4) PLOS|One, 2021, medRxiv, August 7, 2021, Abstract medRxiv, May 25, 2021; Yahoo News, January 1, 2021 Hull York Medical School, April 6, 2022 Western Standard, April 17, 2022 Journal of Hazardous Material, 2021;411 BitChute January 1, 2021 1:58 City Journal August 11, 2021 MMWR July 17, 2020 / 69(28);930-932 Frontiers in Medicine, 2021; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021 Apr; 18(8): 4344 ABC News10, November 8, 2021 New York Post, November 3, 2021, Ron Desantis July 30, 2021 The Daily Wire, November 14, 2021 The Daily Wire, November 14, 2021, para 6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2, 2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 6, 2022, Table 1 Total tab Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, January 25, 2022 medRxiv, August 7, 2021, Medicine, 2022;101(7) 42 43 References"

If ICU capacity were really a concern … • Why hasn't the government been able to increase ICU capacity during this time? • Why did they not re-direct the millions received for vaccine passports toward increasing capacity and relief for weary health care workers? • Why did they lay off 10,000 unvaccinated workers who had served faithfully over the course of the pandemic?

Uncoupling of deaths from hospitalizations occurred prior to the achievement of therapeutic vaccination rates meaning it is unlikely that it is due to mass vaccination

MORE HOSPITALIZATIONS IN VACCINATED Dispelling the myth of the pandemic of the unvaccinated 27 Ontario COVID-19 Hospital and ICU Admissions by Vaccination Status from August 8, 2021 to January 20, 202

Snakes & Covid:

NASA used religious experts to predict how humans may react to aliens
Why would they do that? "Detection [of alien life] might come in a decade " .... that was in 2017. SO my guess is in 5 years! Woa!

Schwab Family Values Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates.

A quick and dirty guide to regime propaganda Gaslighting getting you down? Feel like the regime has dialed the Megaphon
e up to, and past, eleven? You’re not crazy. It’s definitely happening and likely to get worse as our masters’ ability to cope with reality further worsens—or worse, they gain the complete and absolute control they seek. They’re both scornful and terrified of dissent, which explains why they incessantly shriek at us and lie to our faces. Continue reading...

"We have compelling evidence (Download PDF document - 85 pages with links - 16 MB) that no one has been able to refute that clearly shows that treating the virus with repurposed drugs is far safer and far more effective against all variants than using the current unsafe and relatively ineffective vaccines. Physicians with thousands of real life cases are reporting very few COVID hospitalizations and a near 100% record in preventing death from COVID and zero deaths or disabilities from the treatment itself."
Twitter: @VaccineTruth2 Gab: @VaccineTruth2 Email:
Download PDF document - 85 pages with links - 16 MB

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